Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Make Money Online-can You Do It

Many people say they want to make money online and are working hard at doing it. But are you doing the right things. This article takes a look back and a look at what it takes to make money on the internet today. When I started online about 4 years ago the way to make money on the internet was to build a mailing list and then follow up and sell to it.

Everyone said the money is in the list and to me that has not changed in the past 4 years. The way you build a list has changed, but everyone still needs a list if they would like to build a long term income with their website. I remember reading Rosalind Gardner's eBook "Super Affiliate Handbook" and really getting pumped up.

I was on vacation in Mexico and I read it 3 times that week and could hardly wait to get home and get started becoming a super affiliate myself. Today you can make money working on your computer at home selling other people's products. This is called affiliate marketing and it was a great way to make money a few years ago and it is a great way to make money today.

Many affiliate programs offer pay per click, pay per leads, and pay per sale products to give you several ways to make money. Getting your own website used to be the most important thing. You would use it to pre-sell your affiliate programs and to build keyword rich sub pages that provided information on various things related to the theme of your website.

 Today the smart internet marketer still does this, but he does it via a blog. Blogging and social marketing via social networking is a quick way anyone can get traffic quickly and start to make sales in a matter of days. When you throw in article marketing and forum marketing there is no reason anyone can not market products online and make money without spending any money on advertising.

 This is where it is at today. Blogging and affiliate marketing is the fast way to make money online. If you can speak and type you can write blog posts and articles promoting your business. If that doesn't work for you hire an article writer to do it for you. The only person who does not make money today is the person who does not work. The internet is competitive, but fair.

What you lack in money you must make up in time. What you lack in time you can make up with money. You have to invest something and most people have more time than money. This is where everything starts to fall apart. You may say you want to make some part time money or even quit your job and work full time online. When the rubber meets the road you are not willing to spend the time it takes to learn how to make money online and then to apply what you learn.

 This is the cold facts. Making money working online takes a lot of hard work and a I will not quit attitude. Once you learn the basics and get a system down that works for you anyone can make money online if they dare!
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